Jared Morgan
Commands and procedures you can follow to install Asciidoctor.
How to write in AsciiDoc using different tools and methods.
$ sudo dnf install asciidoctor
$ sudo apt-get install asciidoctor
Load RubyInstaller site and download the installer.
Once Ruby is installed, install Asciidoctor through the command line:
$ gem install asciidoctor
Ruby is installed by default on Mac, but you need 1.9.2 at a minimum.
See Installing Asciidoctor on Mac OSX for different approaches to installing Asciidoctor on Mac.
Ways you can write AsciiDoc documents:
Write in a text editor and preview in Chrome.
Write offline in GUI Editors such as Atom.io.
Write online directly in GitHub.
Write offline in GitHub, commit changes when online, render to Asciidoctor automatically using Travis CI.
You can use a Google Chrome extension called Asciidoctor.js Live Preview to render a local file in Asciidoctor.
Open Chrome’s Web App Store.
Search for "Asciidoctor".
Install the Extension.
Ensure you set the access to local files permission in chrome://extensions
Atom Editor is a GUI Editor, which is compatible with Linux/Mac/Windows.
Get it at http://atom.io and install it.
Open Edit⇒Preferences⇒Packages
Search for asciidoc-preview
and Install.
Alternativley , you can download the package from GitHub and add it to ~/.atom/packages
Open an AsciiDoc file in Atom.
CTRL+SHIFT+A to show.
Open Edit⇒Preferences⇒Packages
Search for language-asciidoc
Install it like asciidoc-preview
If you store your docs on GitHub, you can use the site’s editor to write in AsciiDoc, and get a basic render of AsciiDoc text.
A GitHub "Forkable" or "Fork-And-Go" is a repository hosted on GitHub that you can make a copy of as a base, then customize and extend it to your requirements.
The goal of a good forkable is to get you up and running with a technology quickly.
Let’s take a look at two that utilize Asciidoctor beautifully:
Jekyll AsciiDoc Quickstart
HubPress Blogging Platform
Easy way to set up a static single doc site.
Uses Travis-CI to build and stage your guide.
Git-backed so you can write off-line.
Works great on tablets once set up on a PC.
Publishing the Android Users Guide to HTML takes one short command:
$ asciidoctor -a skip-front-matter index.adoc
See convert AsciiDoc to PDF for instructions on installing asciidoctor-pdf
Once the gem is installed, run the build command:
$ asciidoctor-pdf -a skip-front-matter index.adoc
Blogging app using asciidoctor.js.
Deployed and hosted on GitHub.
Publishes blogs to the static GitHub Pages site.
Ways you can view AsciiDoc content easily.
Ways you can install Asciidoctor on a variety of Operating Systems.
Ways you can get started quickly with AsciiDoc.
Ways you can publish AsciiDoc to different formats.